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The Augustan Society Ordinary of Arms

For those unfamiliar with the term “Ordinary”, it refers to an index of arms based on the images shown on the shield (or crest). This is most helpful when a shield is at hand, but the holder is unknown.

This ordinary is presently limited in scope to only those arms registered with The Augustan Society and published in the first three Volumes of The Augustan Society Roll of Arms for which English blazons are available, and some subsequent registrations not yet published. Plans are to add all other arms registered with the Society, and to translate non-English blazons.

In consulting the literature of ordinaries, there appears to be great inconsistencies, some historic, some philosophical, some simply typographical. As a result, the author has had to make some hard decisions, each of which he is confident have a group who will be offended by his choices. To those disappointed by my approach I say two things:

First, that you make your argument to me for a change. You may be surprised how willing I am to listen. Second, convince the international heraldic community at large to standardize the language of blazon. By this I don’t mean we should all use Norman French, but that phrases like “and in chief” and “and below”, which are equivalent, be standardized on one. I’m not terribly fussy about which.

To a certain extent, I have found myself obliged to create order out of the unintended chaos of centuries of heralds, all trying their best. This is not always a pleasant experience, and I’ve had great difficulty identifying the correct and unambiguous terms in blazons. One can but make one’s best effort and hope that others will view the work with some charity, if not sympathy.

Some broad organizing principles were needed, and to that end I have created a few categories that are not entirely in sync with my predecessors: Animals (meaning terrestrial animals who are not birds or fish, but including bats, Birds (including the flightless), Beasts (those which are mythological), Fish (including cetaceans), plants (including fungi). I hope the ghost of Linnaeus forgives me. So far I have not had to deal with extinct creatures, but I’m sure they’re coming, along with flying pigs and all the rest that modern imagination may provide.

Some heraldic creatures don’t map exactly to modern animals; the heraldic dolphin being one example, the two-headed eagle being another. I’ve tossed the dolphin in with the fish and the eagle among his feathered kin, and hoped for the best.

Crosses are an obvious source of vexation to the herald, and I’ve done what little I can to shed light on matters. Swords and daggers too have their species, and the default will not always serve. “Above a mount”, “On a mount”, and “Issuant from a mount” all compete, and it seems a matter of distance, with Above showing a gap, On showing no gap, and Issuant overlapping. Again, not all heralds will agree to these distinctions.

In addition to indexing all shields, I have also included the various quarterings, with a couple of exceptions where I lacked the language skills to determine the blazon, or there are just too many to consider. (I’m looking at you, Spain.) These are indicated by Q1, Q2, etc., and this is used for not just quartering, but per pale, per fess, inescutcheons of pretense, and all other combinations of whatever number. I don’t often have the family name for these quarters, but I link to the registrations where they were used. After that it’s up to the genealogical heraldists to dig things out. Good luck!

  • Animal:
    • Three antlers … Q5: Württemberg, #378
    • A bear … Reagan, #361
    • Boars:
      • Three boars … Sweeney, #172
    • A bull … Q1/4: Smith, Guy, #266
      • And in chief … Mackey, #246
    • A calf … Metcalf, 2013-9-21
    • A hart … Hartwell, #129
    • A hart … Q2: Caffey, Charlotte, #114
    • Leopards:
      • Three leopards’ heads … Q4: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
      • Jessant-de-lys … Barnett, #305
    • Lions:
      • A lion passant … Lhotka, #244
      • A lion rampant:
        • (argent/gules) … Q1: de la Barra, #148
        • (azure/proper) … Q1/7: Zambeccari, #348
        • (azure/Or) … Q1: Benson, #210
        • (gules/Or) … Q1: Hunnewell, Geraldine, #135
        • And in chief:
          • Three bezants … Lay, #147
          • Three cinquefoils … Nottingham, #251
        • And on a chief:
        • Between:
          • Three hands … Frazier, #153
          • Two fluers de lys … Q2: Keys-Irving, #239
          • Two roses … Q1: Pruet, #162
        • Charged on the breast … Solomon, 2020-12-23
        • Crowned:
          • (purpure/Or) … Bulgaria, #112
        • Holding:
        • Between … Graham, #333
          • Gorged … Q1: Cannon, Harriet, #111
          • Holding
            • A heart … Q2: Visegrády, #176
            • A bow … Q1/4: von Albertini, #301
          • Within a border … Lloyd, #150
          • Regardant … Roberts, #363, 364
      • Two lions:
      • Three lions … Q1: Württemberg, #378
      • A lion’s head … Q1/4: Robertson, #166
      • A demi-lion … Q5.1: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
    • Panther … Q2: Marmaduke, #156
    • Ram … Angst, #101
    • Serpents:
      • Three serpents … Q3: Durand, #221
    • A stag … McCartney, #350
      • A stag’s head … Thomson, #273
    • Wolf … Q1/4: Gräupl, 2019-6-15
      • And a chief … Rania, #154
      • Beneath … Gijon y Robles, #227
      • Wolf’s head … Bayne, #189
  • Arrow:
    • Two arrows in saltire:
  • Bars:
    • Two bars and a chief … Q3: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • Two bars debased … Q4: Durand, #221
    • Two bars:
      • On two bars … Huard, #340
      • Wavy Q2: … Durand, #221
    • Three bars:
      • (Or/gules) … Briggs, #313
      • (gules/Or) … Q2/3: Clottu, #319
  • Barrulets:
    • A barrulet … Bravo-Gonzalez, 2014-1-18
    • Two barrulets wavy between:
      • In chief … McCaughan, #151
      • Three swans … Q2: Durand, #221
    • Three barrulets … Stick, #171
  • BasketAndriano-Moore, #303
  • Beast:
    • Dragon … Garrison, #329
    • Griffin … Bruns, #107
    • Unicorns:
      • Three unicorns … Q1: Parish, #194, 254
      • Within a border … Barnes, #306
  • Bell … Q2: Kolle, #345
  • Bend:
    • A bend between:
      • Two dogs … Tancredi, #271
      • Two fleurs-de-lys … Q1: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
      • Two ibex … Q4/6: Zambeccari, #348
      • Three mullets … Q6: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • A bend ending in the mouths of dragons:
      • (Or/vert) … Q1: de Corsi, #121
      • (gules/Or) … Q2: de Corsi, #167
    • A bend cotticed between … Leggett, #241
    • A bend dancetty … Q2/3: de Diesbach, #324
    • A bend wavy … Torres-Oliver, #371
    • On a bend Q3: … Habsburg, #230
    • On a bend between:
      • Six Cross crosslets … Q2/3: Reynolds, #362
      • Two crowns … Winslow, #185
      • Two lions … Boone Family Association of California, #309
    • On a bend cotticed between:
      • Two demi-lions … Webster, #374
      • Two shamrocks … Balling, #206
    • On a bend fimbriated … Boyd, 2021-11-20
    • On a bend wavy … Parthun, #357
    • Per bend:
      • A housemark … Wenzl, #375
      • In chief a gryffon … Stockert, #268
    • A bend sinister … de Alcaini, #252
    • Per bend sinister indented … Shea, #368
    • Three bends … Q1: Corsi y Sainz de la Maza, #195
  • Bezant, see Roundels
  • Bird:
    • Eagles:
      • Displayed:
      • On an eagle … Weston, #278
    • Double-headed eagle:
      • Close
        • And in chief a crown … Heckert, #335
        • Charged on the breast … Karnezis, #143
        • Debruised … Canteri-Georgacopoulos, #330
      • Displayed:
        • (argent/azure) … Q3: Jugoslavia, #342
        • (argent/gules) … Aitchison, #300
        • And in chief a crown … Brentano-Gnosso, #312
        • Crowned on each head … Brennan, #311
        • Dimiduated … Q3/5: Zambeccari, #348
    • A gamecock … Q1: Durand, #221
    • A rook … Tibbetts, 2013-12-21
    • A swallow … Q2/3: Lippe, #245
    • Swans:
      • A swan … Kona, #145
      • Two swans … Barber, Louis, #182
  • Body part:
    • An arm … Le Clère, #242
    • Two arms … Mendola, #354
    • A head … Madison Township High School Heraldry and Genealogy Club, #155
    • A heart … MacLennan, #237
    • Two shinbones … Q3: Miller, James, #355
      • Between … Newton, #193
  • Book … Walker, #180
  • Border:
    • On a border … Q2: Parish, #194
  • Caduceus … Rigby, #260
  • Canton … Q5: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
  • Castle, Tower, and such:
    • Castle
      • And a chief … Casati, #317
      • And to sinister … Q2/3: Formhals, #168
      • Between … McNutt, #353
      • Issuant from … Q2: de Corsi, #140
      • Surmounted by … de Corsi, #175
      • With two turrets … Q1: Andriano-Moore, #204
    • Tower:
      • And in base … Q2: de la Barra, #148
      • And in chief … Q3: Corsi y Sainz de la Maza, #195
    • Wall:
      • Wall with three turrets … Halbach, #231
      • Wall crenelated … Petersen, #358
  • Chain … Q1: de Corsi, #132
  • Chapé … Q2/3: von Pfyffer von Altishofen
    • Per chapé:
      • 1st A boar … arrondi de Corsi, #140
      • 1st A piarist cane… McCune, #351
  • Chevrons
    • A chevron and in chief:
    • A chevron and on a chief … United States Army, Institute of Heraldry, #137
    • A chevron between:
      • Three crescents … Q5: Miller, James, #355
      • Three fleurs-de-lys … Q4: Cannon, Harriet, #111
      • Three heads … Williams, #184
      • Two lions … Q1: Ambrosi y Carraro, #203
      • Two mullets … Q2: von Volborth, Rose, #178
      • Three roses … Q4: Marmaduke, #156
      • Three stags’ heads … Parker, #160
      • Three stocks … Ingvordsen, #136
    • A chevron fimbriated between:
    • On a chevron and in chief … Masterson, #349
    • On a chevron and in sinister chief … Young, #379
    • On a chevron between:
      • In dexter chief … Port, #256
      • Three Celtic Crosses … Bryk, 2013-3-16
      • Three lymphads … Thompson, #370
      • Three staves … Ravenscroft, #360
    • On a chevron engrailed … Grove, #334
    • On a chevron fimbriated
    • On a chevron per chevron and per pale … Waits, #277
    • Per chevron:
      • And in chief … Hoffman, #234
      • And in chief between:
        • Two crowns … Bryan, #108
        • Two gauntlets … Brooks, #214
      • Between three fleurs-de-lys … Brush, Julie, #141
      • Between three fleurs-de-lys and on an inescutcheon … Brush, Julie, #142
      • On a chevron … Friestedt, #124
      • Three martlets … Frazier, #134
    • Per chevron inverted … Brugler, #314
    • Two chevrons … Barber, Forest, #104
  • Chevronels:
    • Two chevronels engrailed … Q3: Keys-Irving, #239
    • Three chevronels … Miller, Jeremy, 2021-5-17
    • Between two chevronels … Gresham, #228
  • Chief:
    • A chief … Q2: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • A chief and overall … Edwards, #223
    • On a chief:
      • A Cross … Q2/3: Barker, #207
      • A fleur-de-lys … Gamble, #191
  • Column Allegretti, #302
  • Crescent … Q1: Visegrády, #176
  • Cross:
    • A Cross … Q1: von Leden, #240
    • A Cross between:
      • In 1st quarter … Toepfer, #174
      • Four fire-steels … Q1: Jugoslavia, #342
    • A Cross Calvary … di Genova, #125
    • A Cross crosslet fitchée … Q1/4: Keys-Irving, #239
    • A Cross fleury … Hazelton, #131
    • A Cross floretty:
      • And on a chief … Leis, #243
      • Within a border … Q2: Pruett, #162
    • A Cross formé … Q3: Marmaduke, #156
    • A Cross formé throughout … Winkelmann, #377
    • A Cross of chain … Johnson, David, #237
    • A Cross uncertain … Karras, #144
    • A Latin Cross foot split and recrosseted … Q1/4: de Blotzheim, #332
    • On a Cross:
      • A lance point … Sowin, #267
      • A swan … Fleming-Parsons, #122
      • Between … Cabaniss, #218
      • On a Cross flory … Moncure, #262
    • A Saltire … Q1: Brush, Thomas, #111
      • And in chief:
        • A dexter hand … Burnette, #315
        • A maple leaf … Fitzgerald, #326
        • A mullet … Currie, #321
      • Fimbriated … Brush, Herbert, #110
      • Fimbriated, charged with seven mullets … Brush, Robert #109
    • A Saltire between … Brunetti, 2019-6-15
    • On a Saltire … Cowan, #220
    • Per saltire … Helferich, #336
  • Crown:
  • Cup … Q5: Shopwin, #264
  • Fess:
    • A fess … Q2: Habsburg, #230
    • A fess and in chief:
      • A cornflower … Fiordelisi, #325
      • A Cross patonce … Edelen, #120
    • A fess between:
      • Three dragons’ heads … Millet, #157
      • Three inescutcheons … Moncure, #250
      • Three lions … Q4: Miller, James, #355
      • Three martlets … Ruckel, #261
      • Three mullets … Stein, #169
      • Six mullets … Q2: Ambrosi y Carraro, #203
      • Three parrots … Q1: Marmaduke, #156
    • A fess chequy between:
      • Ten billets … Lee, 1974-10-4
      • Three fleurs-de-lys … Steward, #170
    • A fess engrailed … Ely, 2013-05-18
    • On a fess:
      • Between:
        • Three cinquefoils … Ravenscroft, #149
        • Two greyhounds … Q1: Wenzl, #183
        • Two lions … Seal, #367
        • Five mullets … Q1: Rania #258
        • Three owls … Bennett, #208
      • Cotised … Q7: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • Per fess:
      • 1st A chevron … Ambrosi y Carraro, #203
      • 1st A Cross … von Leden, #240
      • 1st A fess … Rania, #258
      • 1st A fleur-de-lys … Hilligoss, #337
      • 1st A demi-lion:
        • (argent/gules) … Q2/3: de Roll, #365
      • 2nd Three roses … Q5: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
      • 1st Lozengy … von Faerber von Augusta, #190
      • 1st Per pale … Andriano-Moore, #204
      • 1st Two swords … Kolle, #345
      • 1st Three trees … Grove, #229
      • And in base … Johnson, Clyde, #236
      • And in base per pale … de Corsi, #121
      • And in chief … Atkinson, #102
      • And in chief per pale … Jugoslavia, #342
      • A fess … Lindley-Highfield, 2019-11-28
      • Two lions … Hires, #133
    • Per fess dancetté … Fries, #225
    • Per fess debased … Pazikas, 2013-11-16
    • Per fess embattled:
      • And in chief:
        • A sword … MacPhee, #347
        • A pair of wings … joined Puller, #257
    • Per fess indented … Klein, 2019-6-15
  • Field:
    • Barry:
      • (Or/sable) … Q1/4: Barker, #207
      • Of six (gules/argent) … de Polignac, #255
      • lozengy … Pine, #161
    • Bendy of eight … Q3: Andriano-Moore, #204
    • Bendy sinister … de Vigier de Steinbrugg, Mariagrazia, #372
    • Chequy (gules/argent) … Q2: Jugoslavia, #342
      • A unicorn … MacMahon, #248
      • And a chief … Casati, #318
      • Of nine … Q3: de Corsi, #121
      • On a canton … Smallwood, #265
    • Crusilly fitchy … de Blonay, #308
    • Fusily … Crone, #118
    • Gutté:
    • Gyronny … Q2/3: Robertson, #166
    • Lozengy … Gill, #126
    • Paly bendy … Q2: Württemberg, #378
    • Semé of:
      • Flowers … Abbott, #201
      • Trefoils … Wilkes, #279
  • Fish:
  • Flagstaff … Q3: Württemberg, #378
  • Fleurs-de-lys:
    • A fleur-de-lys (gules/argent) … Q1: Hilligoss, #337
    • A fleur-de-lys between … Lomas, 2013-3-16
    • Three fleurs-de-lys … Q3: de Corsi, #140
  • Fret … Q1/4: Reynolds, #362
  • Garb
    • A garb … Q2/3: Gräupl, 2019-6-15
      • A garb and in dexter canton … Q1: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
      • A garb within a border … Q2: Hunnewell, Geraldine, #135
    • Three garbs … Tritico, #275
  • Horseshoe … Kozlowski, #346
  • Hurt, see Roundel
  • Inescutcheon McNaught, #352
  • Letter or Number:
    • A gothic 4 … Q5: Clottu, #319
  • Lozenge:
    • A lozenge … de Corsi, #188
    • Seven lozenges … Q1: Miller, James, #355
  • Millrind … Q1/4: von Pfyffer von Altishofen
  • Millstone … Karlovský, #238
  • Mon … Hasegawa, #130
  • Mount:
    • Issuing from a mount:
      • An apple tree … Muscat, #192
      • A deciduous tree … Q2/3: Smith, Guy, #266
      • An oak tree … Watson, #181
      • Three trees … Worthing, #186
      • Three palm trees … Brame, #213
    • On a mount:
      • A bull … Voultsos, #179
      • A castle … Hinkel, #233
      • A griffin … Monboisse, #356
      • A ram … Tamáska, #173
      • A rose … de Sury d’Aspremont, #270
    • Issuant from a tri-mount … Alwand, #202
    • On a tri-mount:
      • A latin Cross … di Genova di Salle, #226
      • A Garb … Wottrich, #187
  • Mullet:
    • Three mullets of eight points … Q2: von Leden, #240
  • Orb with Cross … Courten, #320
  • Pale:
    • A pale nébuleée … Q2: Miller, James, #355
  • Per pale:
    • And per flaunche debased … Q4: Andriano-Moore, #204
    • 1st Chains … de Corsi, #132
    • 1st A crescent … Visegrády, #176
    • 1st A fess … Wenzl, #183
    • 1st A griffon … Caffey, John, #113
    • 1st A griffon … Q1: Caffey, Charlotte, #114
    • 1st Thirteen hurts … de Corsi, #167
    • 1st A lion, 2nd a castle … de la Barra, #148
    • 1st A lion, 2nd a garb … Hunnewell, Geraldine, #135
    • 1st A lion between … Pruett, #162
    • 1st Per fess … Corsi y Sainz de la Maza, #195
    • 1st A shovel … von Radetz, #163
    • 1st Three swords … von Volborth, Rose, #178
    • 1st Per pale … Caffey, Charlotte, #114
    • 2nd Two bars … Martínez, 2013-3-16
    • A bull … Q2: Weston, #278
    • A crescent … Q1/4: de Diesbach, #324
    • Dimidiated … Parish, #194, 254
    • Semée of estoiles … Jacobs, #139
    • Three fleurs-de-lys … Heckert, #232
    • Three goats … Cheevers, #117
    • A unicorn … Cannon, #316
    • A wyvern … Johnson, Hellen, #341
    • Tierced per pale:
      • (argent/sable/Or) … Q1/4: Shopwin, #264
      • 1st a lion … Habsburg, #230
  • Palets:
    • Four palelets … Q2: de Corsi, #121
  • People:
    • Demi-Bishop … Q2/3: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
    • Knight … Q1/4: Formhals, #168, 224
    • Officer … Stroh, #269
    • Soldier … Sherer, #369
  • Pile
  • Pitcher … Q2: de Corsi, #132
  • Plant:
    • Three cinquefoils … Q2: Q3: de Corsi, #140
    • A clover … Q1/4: Clottu, #319
    • Leaves … Irving, #138
    • Rose:
      • A rose … Q1/4: Lippe, #245
      • Three roses:
        • (gules/argent) … Q5.2: de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276
        • (Or/gules) … Q6: Miller, James, #355
        • (vert/argent) … Maxwell, #249
      • Sixteen roses … La Fleur, #146
    • Sassafras twig … Q2: Grove, #229
    • Trees … Solé, #164
      • Three trees … Q1 de Corsi, #140
      • A willow … Q2: Corsi y Sainz de la Maza, #195
        • Charged on the trunk … Salcedo, #366
      • An oak tree … Dédéyan, #323
      • Three oak trees … Q1: Grove, #229
    • Three trefoils … Q2/3: Benson, #210
  • Plowshare:
    • Three plowshares … Q2/3: Shopwin, #264
  • Quarterly:
    • Quarterly of four:
      • 1st A latin Cross foot split and recrosseted … de Blotzheim, #332
      • 1st Barry of six … Barker, #207
      • 1st A bend … de Vigier de Steinbrugg, #276, 373
      • 1st A bull … Smith, Guy, #266
      • 1st A clover … Clottu, #319
      • 1st A Cross crosslet fitchée … Keys-Irving, #239
      • 1st A fess … Marmaduke, #156
      • 1st A fret … Reynolds, #362
      • 1st A gamecock … Durand, #221
      • 1st A knight … Formhals, #168, 224
      • 1st A lion … Benson, #210
        • Holding … von Albertini, #301
      • 1st Three lions … Württemberg, #378
      • 1st A lion’s head … Robertson, #166
      • 1st A millrind … von Pfyffer von Altishhofen, #259
      • 1st Per pale … de Diesbach, #324
      • 1st A rose … Lippe, #245
      • 1st A saltire … Q3: Cannon, Harriet, #111
      • 1st A wheel … de Roll, #365
      • 1st A wolf … Gräupl, 2019-6-15
      • 1st Tierced palewise … Shopwin, #264
      • By a Cross patty … Forties, #327
    • Quarterly of six:
      • 1st An estoile … Hollister, #338
      • 1st Seven lozenges … Miller, James, #355
    • Quarterly of seven … Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • Quarterly of eight
      • 1st An eagle … Barber, Eleonore, #103
      • 1st A lion … Zambeccari, #348
    • Quarterly of eighteen … Bourbon Two-Sicilies, #310
  • Roundel:
    • Six bezants … Q2/8: Zambeccari, #348
    • Thirteen hurts … Q1: de Corsi, #167
  • Ship or Boat:
    • A galley (argent/sable) … Mires, #158
    • A galley (azure/Or) … Q4: Benson, #210
    • A lymphad … Kennedy, #344
    • A three-masted ship … Gillespie, #331
  • Staff … Q2: Wenzl, #183
  • Sun:
    • A sun … Setzekorn, #263
    • On a sun … Teague, #272
  • Sword:
    • Falchion … Q4: Hunnewell, Thomas, #127
    • Straight:
      • In pale:
        • And in chief … Q2: Rania, #258
        • Behind … Birk, #212
        • Between:
          • Two millrinds … Miller, Harrold, 2014-9-20
          • Two mullets … Rania, #119
      • In bend sinister … Reece, #165, 259
      • Two swords Q1: Kolle, #345
      • Three swords:
        • Points down … Volborth, Carl-Alexander #177
        • Points down … Q1: Volborth, Rose, #178
        • Points up … Long, 2019-6-15
  • Triangle:
  • Wheel … Q1/4: de Roll, #365

Page updated on 13 November 2022, bam.